Category: Digital Marketing


how to start affiliate marketing

How to start Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a term that is thrown around a lot nowadays with 9/10 marketers saying that it is very vital to their communication strategy. We are going to discuss how to start affiliate marketing. It is one of the oldest strategies and yet it’s importance has increased now more than ever. With organic reach…
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Are you using these Social media trends of 2017?

 Are you aware of these social media trends? It’s June 2017. Six months have almost passed in this rapidly paced year and six more to go. Here are some of the most useful social media trends- Stories Today we see stories everywhere. Taking ‘inspiration’ from Snapchat, we see stories everywhere today. By everywhere we mean, Instagram,…
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According to Google, on an average, it now processes over 40,000 search queries every second, which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide. Google alone has a 65% market share in desktop searches & 95% in mobile searches. Hence the term, “Google it!”. More people on mobile…
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Google Ads VS Facebook Ads: Which of these is the best advertising media that will get you leads in India!

Which is the best advertising media? Whether you’re new or well-versed in digital marketing, the ever so asked question is, which is the best advertising media to get the maximum returns for your marketing campaigns. Out of these, the two most pegged against rivals are Google and Facebook. Google, on an average, gets 50,000+ searches PER…
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